GLOMEX Dual SIM 4G/WiFi All-in-ONE Coastal Internet

GLOMEX Dual SIM 4G/WiFi All-in-ONE Coastal Internet

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  • Dual SIM 4G/WIFI All-In-One Coastal Internet System - webBoat 4G Plus for North America
  • The WeBBoat 4G Plus is the first and award-winning COASTAL INTERNET 4G/3G/Wi-Fi DUAL SIM integrated system to surf the web. The system ensures stable and high-speed connections up to approximately 20 miles from the coast. The WeBBoat 4G Plus is equipped with four 4G/3G diversity antennas, two diversity Wi-Fi antennas, and a super-fast 3G/4G/Wi-Fi router that creates a hot spot on the vessel. Up to 32 different devices can be used simultaneously without any degradation to the signal or
  • The WeBBoat 4G Plus is a true Plug & Play device that requires minimal setup and only one power lead for the antenna which operates from 10-30 VDC. The Dual-SIM architecture allows the user to have more choices for operation (i.e. different carriers for coverage, extra data if one card runs out, etc). weBBoat 4G Plus EVO has additional features such as automatic APN, SMS management/reading/sending to monitor internet consumption, automatic switching mode with onboard satellite internet
  • Sail Boat
  • Power Boat