Delivers electric impulses to tired and sore muscles. Your muscles respond to the impulses by contracting and relaxing rhythmically, which sends soothing massage sensations to relieve muscle tension and soreness. Five auto programs and three massage modes provide various combinations of massage sensations. Your body tends to get accustomed to one particular sensation and will eventually stop responding to it, the different sensations available on this unit ensures that your body does not become desensitized. Use regularly to improve resistance to fatigue while increasing endurance, relax muscles and relieve muscular spasms, accelerate microcirculation and promote the absorption of inflammatory substances. This product is easy to use and carry, take it with you and use it wherever you are. Dual-channel: for simultaneous use on two users or the ability to use 4 pads 5 auto programs; 3 massage modes Liquid crystal display; Timer: 15 minutes Self adhesive pads are latex free Intensity range: 0-80 volts; Pulse rate: 0-120 Hz adjustable; Pulse width: 0-200 us MODEL NO - UC-570